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Become the programmer

Who You Are is not really who you are.  It's just who you're thinking you are.


Buddha said – “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.”


This idea builds on the concept of Projection is Perception, and also gives us a deeper understanding of how we can change ourselves to create the life we want.  Once you understand how your thoughts control the chemical cocktail of emotions that lead to your behavior you will find it easier to make the changes you need to make.  So read the material and complete the exercise - Identifying You.  Read James Allen's book As A Man Thinketh.  Take action to create the life you love.


The point of this lesson is to get you to pay attention to what you are thinking.  By making your thoughts conscious you then have the choice to change them.  This is extremely empowering.  Most of the time you have thoughts running through your mind and you just let them go without question.  From now on you have to pay attention to your thoughts.  If they aren't positive, if they keep you stuck in old patterns, notice them and make different choices.  You are in control of your mind.  You are the driver of your life.

1. read the lesson first

Becoming The Programmer

2. Identifying You

Complete the exercise

3. Read As a Man Thinketh

When you finish this exercise bring it into your next coaching session



I define who I am every day by the thoughts and feelings that I choose.  Each day I re-create myself;  I re-invent myself;  I think new thoughts;. I choose my attitudes;  I see something new each day.  Each day I to take action based on my past, or based on the future I desire. 


My intention today - Today I am as successful, forward-thinking, confident and willing.






Loretta Honeychurch 

ph: 0487 207 865

IICT member

ABN: 40 252 184 292.    

Full Member of International Institute

of Complimentary Therapists.   

Membership # 1202169754

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