Quantum Leap Coaching Program.
Self Mastery
Creating the future
Well done. You made it. You let go of your past and now you're here, clear and ready to create the life you love. Are you excited? You are going to learn how to create the life you want. Get your your journal ready because this section requires you to do a lot of writing. Go through the lessons and complete the exercises. One you have a clear picture of what you desire we'll meet and work together to release beliefs that don't support you and install the absolute, 100% belief you need to make your dreams come true.
Heart Brain Coherence Training.
Preparing yourself for success.
What do you want?
Getting Specific - writing goals
Your task is to read through the lessons and start to craft a plan that perfectly resembles your dream life. We will go through it more thoroughly during our first Creating Your Future appointment so don't worry if you haven't done it all right the first time.
Do not do the Time Line Therapy - Putting Goals in Your future until you have done a few with me first.
Happy dreaming
![]() 1. Heart CoherencePreparing for Success |
Lesson One
Live from the heart and achieve an optimal mind/body harmony and stabilization of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS).
Welcome to the Heart Brain Coherence training part of your Breakthrough. Heart Coherence training teaches you a simple yet powerful technique that allows you to gain control over your stress and connect to your heart so you can truly know and feel what it is you deeply desire. It's an extremely effective tool that gives you the ability to halt a stress response and control excess physiological arousal. Heart breathing assists in mediating helpful thought patterns, and utilizing positive emotional states to achieve a balanced state of mind, body and emotions.
Coherence is an optimal physiological state shown to prevent and reduce stress, increase resilience, and promote emotional well being. Coherence is measured through Heart Rate Variability (HRV) – a unique window into the quality of communication between the heart and brain which directly impacts how we feel and perform.
Most importantly, you manifest the life of your dreams you must be in an optimal emotional state. An optimal emotional states includes elevated emotions such as peace, love, joy or gratitude. In fact, the ultimate state of receivership is the emotional state of Gratitude.
The Spiritual Heart -- is in a way a little like a smart phone, invisibly connecting us to a large network of information. It is through an unseen energy that the heart emits that humans are profoundly connected to all living things. The energy of the heart literally links us to each other. Every person's heart contributes to a 'collective field environment.' This short video explains the importance of this connection and how we each add to this collective energy field. The energetic field of the heart even connects us with the earth itself.
Here is how you create the optimal state of receivership to manifest your dreams and create the life you love.
The Quick Coherence Technique
How to do the Heart Math Quick Coherence® technique to shift your emotional state and send positive emotions through your system.
1. Heart focus: Shift your attention to the area of the heart and breathe slowly and deeply
2. Heart breathing: Keep your focus in the heart, breath normally – five seconds in and five seconds out – through your heart. Do this two or three times.
3. Heart feeling: Get into a state of elevated emotion such a love, joy, peace or gratitude. To do this simply recall a time when you felt (insert emotion), a specific time. And as you recall a time float down into your body and see what you saw, feel what you felt, hear what you heard and fully feel the feeling of that memory.
4. Now imagine you are breathing that feeling in and out through your heart
Do this exercise daily. In the next lesson I"m going to ask you "what do you want?" To answer this question make sure you are in an optimal emotional state, such as gratitude.
![]() Going DeepWhat do you want? |
Lesson Two
What do you want?
To create the life you want this is the most important question you need to answer. You need to get crystal clear about your desire, your wants, your dreams. And I don't just mean stuff like a new car or a holiday. You need to go deep and get really specific about what your soul is crying out for. I want you to create goals that will lead to long term happiness and meaning.
Do this now - get into a coherent optimal state of receivership using the Heart Coherence technique. Answer the following questions:
What do I want? What do you truly crave?
What experiences do I want to have in this life time?
How do I want to grow?
What contribution would I like to make?
“Man sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. Then he is so anxious about the future that he doesn’t enjoy the present: the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”
James J. Lachard,
1. What do you want?
Go deep and ask your self what your true heart desire is? What is your soul craving for? What are you being called to do?
2. What experiences do I want in this life time?
If time and money were no object, and I did not need anyone's permission, what kinds of experiences does my soul crave.
Think about this in terms of your Love Relationships, friendships, adventures, your environment
3. How do I want to grow?
In order to have a new experience you will have to become someone new. If you stay the same your current circumstances will not change. Unless you change you will be creating the future with the programming and emotions of the past. This is why we begin your breakthrough by letting go of the past. Now you are free to become someone new so you can create the life that is exactly the way you dream it to be.
So, who do you need to become in order to have the life you want. (we will discuss this during our sessions but you need to think about this now. Think in terms of your health and fitness, your intellectual life, your skills, and your spiritual life.
To create the life you dream about you have to become that person. BE. DO HAVE. Who do I need to BE? What do I need to DO in order to Have what I want. This is the natural flow of energy required to manifest your amazing dreams and visions.
4. What contribution would I like to make?
If you want to be happy, make other people happy! Ask yourself - "If I have the experiences above and I've grown in remarkable ways, how can I then give back to the world?"
What is your vision for your career?
What creative things to I like to do?
What kind of family life do I desire?
How can I leave an impression on my community? How can I contribute to my community?
Create a vision for your life
Create your vision from your own values and beliefs, and keep it free of expectations of others, and of your culturescape. Keep it simple, don't overthink it. Make it about you and only you.
![]() Map Your FutureHow to get specific so you can create your dream life. |
Lesson Three
Setting goals that get results
The key to accomplishing anything in life is to write goals. Goals are focused Energy. Goals are a prerequisite of success in every area of life. When Creating your future you need to be specific about what it is you want to achieve. The difference between a goal and an aspiration is being specific. Lots of people have aspirations and dreams. When you turn the aspiration/dream into a goal you need to be clear about what it is.
I use a three step process to create goals.
Step one - follow the S.M.A.R.T format.
Step two - write your goal using the Keys to an Achievable Outcome template.
Step three - put the goal into your future timeline using the Time Line Therapy Technique. ( you can use the recording below for this but please make sure you have done the process with me first during your breakthrough.)
Step one - Writing Smart Goals.
The acrostic “S.M.A.R.T.” goal is a good starting point and provide an solid initial framework. The NLP model of goal setting also uses the Keys To An Achievable Outcome model which is a very effective tool for setting goals. It enables us to go beyond mere “goal setting” into the actual “programming” of our minds to drive us towards our desired goal.
The first step is to make your goals S.M.A.R.T
S – Specific
M -Measurable / Meaningful to you
A – As if now / Achievable / All area's of life.
R – Realistic / Responsible / Realistic
T – Timed / Toward what you want
A Specific and Measurable goal is a goal that has specificity. For example, if I want to make more money, "make more money" is not specific and it's certainly not Measurable. The questions is "how much money do I want to earn." For weight loss, "I want to lose weight" is not Specific or Measurable. The question is "how much weight do I want to lose."
A - as if now. A goal which is written As IF Now is written in the present tense, as if you have already achieved it.
If your goal is to make more money, first determine how much money you specifically want to make, then write your goal as - "I now make .......... (fill in the specific amount.)
R - Realistic. By realistic I mean that the goal is inside of your range of capabilities. For example, if you were in your late 50's and you had never played any kind of instrument in your life, it's safe to say that setting a goal to be a Violinist with the most prestigious orchestra in the world may be a little unrealistic. Remotely possible but mostly unrealistic.
T - Timed and Toward what you want. Timed simply means that every time you write a goal you put a date on it. Goals with out dates become a moving target, and generally end up never being accomplished. Towards What You Want means moving toward what you want and not away from what you don't want. We either move towards what we want or away from want we don't want. For example,
"I don't want to be poor," is moving away from not having money. Whereas, "I want to make a million dollars" is moving toward what you really want. "I want to lose weight" is away from, and "I want to weigh 110k" is a toward goal. (also specific & measurable.) You are more likely to achieve a Towards Goal because the closer you get to your outcome the more motivated you become.
Step Two - follow the Keys To an achievable Outcome Template.
The brain works primarily from our sensory system (pictures, sounds, feelings). The NLP goal setting model allows us to set a goal so it is sensory specific . The brain not only uses the sensory system, it also uses our word meanings that drive the sensory system. For this reason, the NLP Goal Setting Model makes absolutely sure that we language ourselves in such a way as to drive our very neurology and physiology towards obtaining our desired goal.
The specificity of the NLP Goal Setting Model facilitates concentration on what you internally see, hear, and feel. Your attention will direct itself toward external and internal resources necessary in achieving the goal. The NLP model provides the following features as a way to more clearly think about moving from a present state to a desired state by breaking it down into smaller chucks of information that allow you to clarify the goal n a way that makes it certain to be congruent with your true desires, and achievable.
Read more : Download The Keys to an achievable outcome
Step Three - Put the goal in your Time Line using the Time Line Therapy Technique for goal setting. This Step is to be done with me in my office. The recording below is for use after this step.
1. Write your goal using the S.M.A.R.T formula.
As per the Breakthrough requirements write goals for 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 5 years and 10 years. This is a suggestion. You can also use your own time frames. Putting a time on your goals is really important.
2. Clarify your goal using the Keys to an achievable outcome template.
3. Put a goal into your future time line using this recording.
To use this recording you must have already done the Time Line Therapy process during the breakthrough. If you have not elicited your Time Line this recording will not make sense to you.
Once you have completed steps 1, 2 and 3 you can begin to break down your goals into mini goals.
Goals are focused energy. They are the doing of any intention. Having a goal is great but you still need to have a game plan so you can make them happen. The game plan will allow you to assemble the resources that will deliver the results you want.
Getting results requires focused energy. Studies have shown that goals set too far in the future have less chance of being accomplished. So the best strategy is to focus on the shorter term goals. Now that you have your goals for the next ten years set in your time line you can begin to work on the first one. It is recommended that you focus on no more than a 90 to 100 day plan for each mini goal that supports your big picture goal. And then focus on one mini goal at a time.
Once you have completed steps 1, 2 and 3 you can begin to break down your goals into mini goals.
Goals are focused energy. They are the doing of any intention. Having a goal is great but you still need to have a game plan so you can make them happen. The game plan will allow you to assemble the resources that will deliver the results you want.
Getting results requires focused energy. Studies have shown that goals set too far in the future have less chance of being accomplished. So the best strategy is to focus on the shorter term goals. Now that you have your goals for the next ten years set in your time line you can begin to work on the first one. It is recommended that you focus on no more than a 90 to 100 day plan for each mini goal that supports your big picture goal. And then focus on one mini goal at a time.
Task - Read Think And Grow Rich.
Think and Grow Rich is one of the most powerful books ever written about the laws of success. Think and Grow Rich was written in 1937 by Napoleon Hill. While the book's title suggests the content is about getting rich, the philosophy taught in the book provides the formula for creating success in any area of life or in any line of work, so you can be anything you imagine, do what you love and and have the life you dream of.
Think and Grow Rich is the result of more than twenty years of study of many individuals who had amassed personal fortunes Hill studied their habits and evolved 16 "laws" to be applied to achieve success. Think and Grow Rich condenses them, providing the reader with 13 principles in the form of a "Philosophy of Achievement".