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Experience your1:1 Breakthrough with me,and reinvent your life!

"When you're ready for change nothing can stop you."
Gine Molicone Long - Greatness Group

Why Breakthrough Coaching?

Do any of the following statements resonate with you?​

  • Loss of purpose – a feeling that you don’t know your place in world. Your traditional roles in the family have come to an end and you feel adrift.  You’ve spent your life playing roles that serve other people. Now all the roles you have played are coming to an end and you feel irrelevant. Feelings of Low self-worth, Low self-esteem emerge, and loss of confidence. Includes the following, 

  • Fear of Change –You have found yourself in a position where you have to change because your circumstances have changed, however you don’t know how to do it.  Not having the tools to bring about change causes you to feel overwhelmed, lost, fearful and anxious. You can’t see a way out of your situation. You can’t create a new vision for yourself moving forward so you feel stuck with no options. Your confidence is in tatters, fear of change brings up feelings of uncertainty and insecurity. 

  • Lack of clarity – about who you are and what is next. The world you knew and have counted on has unraveled. Your sense of self, that was intrinsically linked to all the roles you played, the friends you had, the children you cared for, the activities you did, have been challenged.  All the things that were once important to you, those things that gave you certainty and security, and meaning and purpose are gone. You feel lost and alone, and untethered. You feel like you’re in a void and you don’t know what you want. You struggle to envision a future that is different and safe for you. 

  • Fear of beginning again – you have a story running in your mind that you are too old for change and too old to begin again.  Change stirs up all kinds of fears and limiting beliefs about what is possible as we age. Feelings of, ‘I’m too old to start something new, ‘I’m too old to change”, ‘I\, to old too…, I’m too old to follow my dreams, I’m too old to love again. And so on.

  • Feeling invisible. Aging is hard on the psyche. When we look in the mirror and see an older person staring back at us it can lead to feelings of loss and grief for who were once were. 

  • feeling like you need to connect to yourself again and figure out what is next in this new chapter of your life. 

If any of these statements describes your life right now and you want to change and take control of your future, you are in the right place.


What is Breakthrough Coaching?

Breakthrough Coaching is a highly tailored program designed to rapidly bring about change if craving more but you can't get off the mouse wheel.    You're aware that the problem is within you and is not determined by outside circumstance.  The Breakthrough is about getting the results you want.  


Together we’ll work on defining what you want and what stops you from having what you want.  Your coaching program will be specifically designed for your unique needs.  When you sign up for Coaching you’ll be Breaking Through all the things that hold you back from having life the way you want it.  As your coach I'll be there 

• to guide you through the process

• to keep you focused and on track, and to hold you accountable to your goals.

• to support you uncritically and without judgement.


You will also discover :

  • a clear vision of what you want.

  • clarity about what's holding you back

  • a strategic plan and steps you can take right away to move you closer to you vision.

  • Clear goals for the future.

  • Healthier Mindsets that support the big leaps you’ll make as you move forward.

  • Insight into how to listen to and follow YOUR inner guidance.

  • Exclusive access to my online Coaching Resources designed to support your personal growth.


Most importantly you will discover who you really are and what you are capable of.  You’ll gain the most valuable knowledge and skills that assist you in creating your life exactly the way you want it.  Are you ready?    

Take control of your mind, achieve emotional freedom, connect with your unconscious mind, learn the steps to create your life the way you want it.  

How Does it work?

We schedule a 2 hour interview so we can dive deep to uncover your problem and discover what's holding you back. 

I'll can unpack it and create a personalized, tailored program for you and your specific outcomes. 

You'll receive login details for the members area where you will find videos and other recourses to assist you

with your Breakthrough

We schedule four x  2 hour coaching sessions over 4 weeks. During these sessions we will work on letting go of the past, resolving internal conflicts, identifying values and beliefs, and anything else that isn't working for you, then we'll redesign your life the way you want it. You will complete tasks and action steps that work towards your outcome.

We will debrief the work so far and tweak anything if needed,  You'll receive an empowerment toolkit with
everything you need to continue creating the results you want in your life on demand. Your toolbox contains
tools specific to you to be used if you need them. 

We'll work on goals and outcomes for the future, and schedule 2 follow up session as per your progress.
Anything that remains unresolved will be cleared up.

Additional Notes:
Follow up sessions are available for 3 months (depending on your progress) to make sure you are on target with your goals. We’ll work to your individual requirement and you will achieve the breakthrough you need if you commit 100% to the coaching process and to solving your problem.  
The Personal History is the only time you get to tell your story.  After that you will not be asked to relive painful past events.  You can expect to feel empowered, energized, and highly motivated. You can expect to feel a sense of clarity in the area of your breakthrough.  If you suffer from fears or phobias, anger, doubt, sadness, worry or anxiety you can expect them to be gone. You will have a deeper sense of who you are and what your purpose in life is. You will learn powerful Advanced Life Skills that will serve you in the future.  You can also expect to experience better relationships after your Breakthrough. You will have a greater understanding of other people. You will see your life through new eyes and new awareness.
Coaching is an ongoing developmental interaction between Coach and client. My role is to assist you in developing your capabilities and to help you achieve goals and objectives to produce successful results. I’m here to support your growth, motivate you

What if this was the Breakthrough you've been looking for?

If you know this is what you want, make a booking and pay your $500 deposit. 

If you're curious, book a 30 minute call with me so we can get to know each other and discuss
if the program is right for you.  
then ~
1. Make a decision. 
2. Pay your deposit. 
           3. Book Your Breakthrough.

Breakthrough Coaching is not for everyone.  If you like the idea of change but you're not willing or ready to change,  this program isn't for you. You must have a desire to change, you must be committed to improving your life, and you must be willing to play at 100%. 

Please note that you must qualify for this program. You will be given a written task to complete. How you complete this task will determine if you are suitable for this program. 

Your investment
Three months of coaching and mentoring.

$2000. Payment plan is available at my discretion

~ Pay in full and get my bonus tutorials and an additional support. 

Yes, I'm ready to reinvent my life and live with more love, peave and harmony

Email me now to book a call.  We'll get to know each other and then you can decide if this program is right for you. 

Loretta Honeychurch 

ph: 0487 207 865

IICT member

ABN: 40 252 184 292.    

Full Member of International Institute

of Complimentary Therapists.   

Membership # 1202169754

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